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Community Heroes

Community Council on Aging

Hall County, Gainesville

The Community Council on Aging, or CCOA as it is sometimes called, is located within the Community Services Building at 430 Prior Street S.E. Gainesville. The Council has a volunteer board and no paid staff which is how 97% of every dollar donated to CCOA goes to direct services.  The board meets twelve times a year, approves an annual budget, reviews recommendations to modify services to Meals on Wheels and the Senior Life Center, recruits new volunteers, and  hosts events such as the Annual Volunteer Luncheon, March for Meals and Quality of Life Ceremony.

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Meals on Wheels Volunteer Heroes Needed!

It only takes an hour to bring a meal and a smile to an older adult in our community. Our county is growing fast and the demand for Meals on Wheels is increasing.  If you’ve got an hour to spare once a week, once a month or even once a quarter, we would be delighted to have you join our Volunteer team.

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Words to Live By

"The best way to find yourself, is to lose yourself in the service of others." - Gandhi

"Without community service, we would not have a strong quality of life. lt is important to the person who serves as well as the recipient. lt's the way in which we ourselves grow and develop." - Dr. Dorothy J. Heisht

"lf you want to llft yourself up, lift up someone else." - Booker T. Washington

"You make a living by what you get, but you make a life by what you give" - Winston Churchill

What Our Clients Are Saying
On 8/28/18, a Meals on Wheels volunteer was unable to access client home to make a meal delivery.  The volunteer noticed that the woman’s speech was very low and slurred. After contacting emergency personnel the client was found on the floor covered with blood resulting from an earlier fall caused by a stroke.  Client was transported to the hospital.
- Meals on Wheels Volunteer
“I enjoy giving back to the community by volunteering at the Senior Center. It is very heartwarming to interact and see the joy and fun they have with the exceptional leaders who work to help and support the seniors in multiple areas. They have so many events, outings, and health related activities. It’s fun to watch the joy the seniors have with the wonderful support and assistance they receive”
- Senior Life Center Volunteer
On 8/20/18,  a Meals on Wheels volunteer reported that the client did not come to the door which was very unusual as the client is always sitting in the living room with the door unlocked waiting for her visit with the volunteers. After following the emergency response protocol the client was found on the floor. She had fallen over the weekend and remained there until the MOW volunteer discovered them. The client was taken to hospital.
- Meals on Wheels Volunteer
“Serving as Chairperson of the CCOA has its rewards but none of my community service has been more rewarding than delivering Meals on Wheels. Meals on Wheels delivers a physical need and an emotional and spiritual connection. Once you get to know your clients they become family. Each one is appreciative for different reasons. Those that I deliver to make more of an impact on my life than I ever expected. We need to make sure the Meals on Wheels program stays a priority in our community and all across America.”
– Steve Watson, Chairman, CCOA Board of Directors
“I have been member of the Senior Life Center for 5 years. I have enjoyed coming very much to participate in many activities like Roots and Shoots Red Hats Society, and singing, which are only a few of the many activities at the Senior Life Center. I am also looking forward to working with the advisory board”
- SLC Advisory Board Member
“John [husband] got me coming to the center. I have enjoyed it so much. It’s a good place to come and fellowship with friends and have a good lunch. I love each and every one, God bless”
- SLC Member
On 9/11/18, a Meals on Wheels volunteer called to report that when he discovered client on the floor when he arrived at her home. Apparently, the client had fallen at some point the day before. Volunteer called 911 and EMT took client to hospital.
- Meals on Wheels Volunteer